A sports writer based in Hoquiam, Wash. is stuck without an outlet to release his spleen on anything and everything. Life is full of upper-class twits and they need to be dealt with... Lemon Curry?
An audio link to a really funny event... and a little disturbing...
Published on December 22, 2003 By rvrfhsiahskfhghia In Sports & Leisure
A quick post:

Joe Namath's incomplete pass on ESPN (audio) — http://home.kc.rr.com/mkbaslee/namath.mp3

on Jan 23, 2004
love joe, but heard he lost his daugher, would like some details on that..as for the t.v thing who has not been drunk at a football game. but the lost of a child could explain alot. joe will always be joe and that will never change...hope to get some answer's on the family. judy. c.
on May 17, 2004

I think it wasn't a big deal at all the newscaster/kolber story.
The newscaster really wasnot a pleasant newscaster with good sportsmanship and not that pretty. I prefer male interviewers anyway. She was trying to make a name for herself and not a very gracious hostess. He was just having fun. She should have given him a big hug and a kiss. I would rather have a date with Joe Namath and at least I find his humor very funny. And he had many years I am sure of physical pain with medications to live with...enough to make one appear inebriated, too. Texas fan