A sports writer based in Hoquiam, Wash. is stuck without an outlet to release his spleen on anything and everything. Life is full of upper-class twits and they need to be dealt with... Lemon Curry?
Life needs more Matt Kennedy Goulds
Published on October 28, 2003 By rvrfhsiahskfhghia In Movies & TV & Books
For the past several weeks, I've enjoyed The Joe Schmo Show on Spike TV.
The premise: Take an ordinary guy and make him the only real aspect of the show. Everything else, from the fellow contestants (actors) to the smarmy host (actor) to the games (rigged) to the elimination ceremony (scripted) was fake.
At the end, have one of the actors win, then turn around and reveal to Joe — in this case Matt Kennedy Gould, of Pittsburgh, PA — that everyone are actors and that the whole thing was fake.

The drama of the show was getting Matt to play along, which he did. They toyed with his emotions and he took it. They allowed him to win contests and go along with the story that he was one of nine contestants vying for $100,000 on the reality show "Lap of Luxury." He bought into everything hook, line and sinker.

But the only thing that the actors didn't realize is that Matt was such a nice guy, such a gentleman and such a (I hate to say it) sucker, everything that happened, he took to heart. And they took it to heart, too.

Tonight it was revealed to him that everything was fake and he said that the show changed his life... for the better.

What I learned from Joe, er... Matt Kennedy Gould:
• Be nice to everyone.
• Play the game, but don't forget who you are.
• Win graciously, lose with grace.
• Your character is the only thing that you take with you when you leave the room and the only thing you leave with people at the same time.
• Be true to yourself and you'll never fail.
• Above all else, be positive and stand up for yourself and for those who need help.

Matt made an impression on everyone who was involved in the scam... er... show. They agonized over his emotions that they were drawing out. They almost screwed up twice and he never flinched.

I'm not going to be cheesy and say that watching the show made me a better person, but I am a little bit better of by watching it. I'll never look at a reality show the same way again and I'll never look at a nice guy/gal the same way again, either.

Best line (at the end): What is going on??? --- Matt

on Oct 28, 2003
yeah it's a fun show. nice to see a nice guy win. glad that he took it really well and got lots of prizes too.
on Oct 30, 2003
My wife and I watched the show and I just think Matt is awesome. I would love to have him as a friend. Is there any way we can contact him? His character and honesty is his strongest points. What touched me the most was when he did the card trick with Kip and lied about his card to make Kip look good. What a great guy.
on Oct 30, 2003
Matt is such a genuine and sincere person! I absolutely love him. I wish I knew how to get a hold of him- he's so dateable! What an example he sets for the rest of us!
on Nov 03, 2003
Look. The bottom line is that Matt is man of the century. We do need more guys like him. I am proud to say I am similiar to this awsome guy. He is a real man. I laugh, I cried...but with him not at him. I'd love to hang out and be life time buddies with this dude. The show was mean and sick. And although it was fake, he experienced it all. They did not...like scare Tactics it has a long term effect. It terrorizes you even after the fact. Fuck the producers. They changed the end during the course of the show to, "Its all for you, Matt." I am pleased they did this, but it was to fake. They did it because they were scared. I believe a few of them were really upset and sad. Heres what I think producers were thinking, "Hey...lets throw prizes at him right away, you know...distract him so he won't being up betrayals."
on Nov 03, 2003
I will not let it go! It bothers me. The actors are all loosers. Did you see the fucking trailers? It was all about, "Look at this stupid guy...we are going to trick him!" So the end was a conterdiction when Ralph was forced to say, "Matt, we set out to find the warmest, nicest guy on the planet, and that man is you!" Yes...he is that man, but they were looking for an idiot who would not ask questions, "interfere" or interact with "cast members". Its sick, everyone has feelings and not all of us box it in and become assholes. Matt...you showed the world. You turned heads, but it was a nod to us, the "real people" out here. You beat the Hollywood machine, buddie. We owe you one because you changed lives, Matt. Thank you.
on Nov 03, 2003
Chris you are right hen you say Joe was terrorized. I am glad he got prizes. I saw he tried to bring up stuff with Brian several times but they interupted or cut the shot. Damn the shows producers. I LOVE YOU MATT!!!!!!!
on Nov 03, 2003
Heres where the producers failed...

In developing this reality based show one needed to realize that its about characters, communication and how these people choose to react to situations around them.
1)The writers gave no deph to their characters. None what so ever. The actors sucked and were not able to stay in character and remember stupid shit an ape could. This does not mean Matt could figure it out. He never could unless he over heard. Heres why...No one could ever fathom that when they signed up for a show it'd be fake. For real...who'd of thought. So why is he the "Schmo"?
2)The Joe Schmo marketing technique change . "What would you do if a reality show was built around you...", was the on going theme, but in the end it changed and he was not allowed to react. He was distracted. If this indeed was the case and "What would you do...?" was the theme then why did they dodge and cut out his real issuses. Issues like, "Hey, I thought Brian really liked me." Or "I cried with her and I thought I was getting real help from a doctor." We were tricked! And I am at a loss here because Dr. Pat made him do breathing exersises that were supposed to make him be a butt of a physically funny joke. Thats sick...If in the end it was for him...why terrorize him like this?
3) A human story was nt implemented. TV is communication. Communication is how we survive mentally. When the message gets muffled and the reciever does not get it, then its not communication. This show had no message. True in the end Matt came through in shining colors and made an otherwise stupid show real, the producers failed misserably. Matt needs more money.