It used to be a yearly rite of passage, one that got you out of school (sometimes) and one that everyone endured as they grew up. The trip to the dentist. Between my experiences in the chair and what my daughter went through today, I believe she’s going to have a little easier time going and getting checked up than I did. Even for a small spot filling on a very small cavity spot, she survived it with little trama and pain. I, however, remember all too fondly of my pain and torture at...
Someone had a pretty good weekend: As I’m typing this, I’m on hold at Electronic Arts (EA), trying to check up on a game order. There are Websites that are easy to navigate. EA Store’s isn’t one of those, especially when you want to quickly find out if/when your game is going to be sent to you. Amazon has a pretty good interface, as well as Best Buy, but a 25 percent off coupon was tough to pass up. Chalk it up to experience this time. At least the hold music w...
This is a test of the emergency haiku system.... To know me is to believe me when I say that work is just a bore. •••••••• Arguing on the Web is kind of silly, even when you believe you are right! •••••••• My mind is made up of worthless, obscure things, like bread crumbs under your toaster. •••••••• Liberals, Conservatives They're all just labels to me! Can't we get along? •••••••• When will it all end? A meteor from the sky or crossing the street today? •••••••• Yes, hon...
No formatting on this one. Just a straight post. I've been known for getting into trouble with my wife by asking one simple question: "Hey, what's wrong?" Or better yet: "Are You OK?" Late last week, I asked. And what I got was in to more hot water than I'd care to admit. My wife read my blog. OK, not a big deal, really, but... "I just get the feeling that you won't talk to me," she said. "Why's that," I asked. (UH Oh!) Then she told me that she read my blog about the wedding ring and abou...